Ways to Give Back This September 11th


Reviewed by Mike Jorgensen, Esq.

This upcoming September 11th marks 18 years since the devastating terrorist attacks that took the lives of 2,977 people.

Throughout the years since the attacks, many initiatives have been created to support survivors and the families of victims. Recently, for example, the Senate passed a bill to ensure a fund that compensates victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks will not run out of money until at least 2092. This comes after administrators reduced the benefit payments that victims receive by as much as 70 percent.

This September 11th, are you looking for ways to give back to survivors or the families of those affected? Let us share with you a few different ways you can show your support.

Link: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-vote-9-11-first-responders-bill-tuesday-n1032831 

First, you may wish to consider donating to a charitable organization. There are many charitable organizations that provide support to survivors and the families of victims of the September 11th attacks. The National September 11th Memorial and Museum, Tuesday’s Children, and the Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund are a few notable organizations that provide resources and programs to those directly affected by the attacks. Even if you do not wish to make a monetary donation, you may consider visiting the memorial or sharing information about the available resources and programs to those in need.

Another way you can support those affected by the attacks is by leaving a gift through your estate planning. If you do not decide on a way to give back, you may intentionally leave a gift through a trust account or through a charitable bequest in your last will and testament. Further, you may wish to leave a charitable gift through a clause in your durable power of attorney. If you choose to do this, it is important to clearly state your intent about who will receive the gift and how. No matter which option you choose, however, it is important to talk to an experienced elder law attorney about how to effectively leave a gift through your estate plan.

These are just a few tips and ideas for giving back this September 11th. We know how overwhelming this day can be. Did this article raise more questions than it answered for you? Do not wait to contact us with your questions or to share more ideas about providing support to survivors and the families of victims of the attacks.